WBWC supports City of Ann Arbor Proposals A and B
The Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition (WBWC) urges Ann Arbor voters to support Proposals A and B that appear on this fall’s ballot. These proposals will improve Ann Arbor’s sidewalk system. Proposal A renews for five years an existing millage that expires in 2021, with a portion of funds going to the repair and construction of sidewalks; Proposal B authorizes a new millage that will fund the construction of new sidewalks.
A strong sidewalk network is an essential part of Ann Arbor’s transportation infrastructure and ensures access for a range of mobility types. WBWC believes that since sidewalks are a shared resource, their funding should also be shared.
Proposals on the ballot in Washtenaw County: https://www.washtenaw.org/DocumentCenter/View/16871/November-3-2020-General-Election-Official-List-of-Proposals---Washtenaw-County