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September 6, 2016 Update - Bicycle Safety Legislative Update from The League Of Michigan Bicyclists

September 6, 2016 Update - Bicycle Safety Legislative Update from The League Of Michigan Bicyclists (and how you can help…no time for the update...go here:

LMB would like to thank everybody for all the support this summer, both financially and through our various calls to action. To say that it has been a tough summer is an understatement. As we turn to fall however, we are excited at opportunities that, with your help, will significantly improve bicycle safety across our state.

We recently received word that a committee hearing is scheduled for September 20th for our 5-foot passing and vulnerable roadway user bills. We’ve been waiting patiently throughout the summer for this opportunity. These bills require motorists to pass bicyclists with a minimum of five feet and create increased penalties for drivers who injure or kill a cyclist. We are excited to announce that in the upcoming days State Senator Margaret O'Brien will also introduce a bill that mandates that Michigan driver’s education curriculum include three or more hours of information concerning the laws pertaining to bicycles.

In tandem, these three legislative changes will play a significant role in making Michigan a more bicycle friendly state. No doubt, there is still plenty of future work to be done including better educating bicyclists and motorists alike and curbing intoxicated and distracting driving. In the meantime, these three policy priorities are tangible by this year’s end if we all work together.

So, how can you help? The best thing you can do is to SIGN and SHARE our action alert at We need to get as many emails into legislative offices leading up the to the committee hearing as possible!. Just put in your contact details and personalize the message to tell your own story – it’s that easy.

If you’ve already signed, THANK YOU! We’ve already submitted over 6,000 emails to our state lawmakers. Let’s keep up the momentum! Please share the the graphic and link ( across your personal networks…Email it, Facebook it, Tweet it, Instagram It…just get the word out as broadly as you can. You don’t need to be a bicyclist to sign. Many friends and loved ones of bicyclists have expressed their concern about the growing number of tragic headlines involving cyclists in our state. They care about your safety on the roadways and are likely eager to help. Please be sure to reach out to any non-cycling friends and family to engage them in our efforts.

Secondly, if you represent an organization, club, shop, or business, please consider writing a short letter of support to the Senate Judiciary Committee. We are already working behind the scenes to line up testimony from various partner organizations and victims across the state. You can supplement these powerful stories by putting your support in writing. If you are interested, please contact me for additional guidance.

Lastly, if you are interested in attending the hearing on September 20th, please contact LMB's office ASAP for more details. The committee rooms are relatively small. While we certainly want to fill the room with supporters, we also want to make sure we are well organized, on message, and have plenty of time for our planned testimony.

Again, thank you for all the support. Let’s get these bills passed!

John Lindenmayer

Executive Director - League of Michigan Bicyclists

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