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WBW Projects

Below are current projects of Walk Bike Washtenaw. This page will be updated on a regular basis but you are also invited to like us on Facebook, where breaking news on projects is also posted. For a list of WBW position papers and reports on various items, click here.

Walking routes map

Shows walking routes in the Ann Arbor area that connect two or more parks or
nature areas.  Shares knowledge of routes that might only be familiar to immediate neighbors.  Allows users to suggest changes and improvements.

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MDOT projects on US-23 and Washtenaw

MDOT is undertaking an Environmental Assessment (EA) study on US-23 in Washtenaw County between M-14 and I-94.

The M-17 (Washtenaw Avenue) Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study will focus on the 3-mile stretch of Washtenaw Avenue between the Ann Arbor city limits at the US-23 interchange and Ypsilanti

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Packard Bikeway Task Force Meeting #2 Pr
Packard Bikeway

WBW, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Pittsfield Township and Ypsilanti Township in cooperation with the Washtenaw County County Board of County Road Commission are designing a bikeway to improve safety and comfort along the Packard corridor. The goal is to create a premier "city-to-city" bicycle connection between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.

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2020 WBWC Bicycle Infrastructure Survey

While it has only been a year since our initial bicycle infrastructure survey, the Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition (WBWC) decided that it was worth revisiting in 2020.

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2019 WBWC Bicycle Infrastructure Survey

​Bike riders from all over the county shared their opinions and experiences with the current infrastructure as well as their priorities for the future...

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WBWC Project - US 23 Expansion

Listen To WBWC’s US 23 Project Interview On WEMU FM 89.1 Streaming Audio – WBWC Vice-Chair Larry Deck was on the latest installment of WEMU’s “Issues Of The Environment” Wednesday, April 18th discussing the proposed expansion of US 23 north of Ann Arbor and what the group supports, opposes and has concerns about. Listen anytime to this report at  - For a WBWC position paper on the proposed US 23 work, click here.

WBWC Project - Geddes Road (Ann Arbor) Non-Motorized Improvements

This project is designed to bring needed non-motorized improvements to Geddes Avenue, such as real sidewalks and bike lanes. For the proposed construction schedule and other project updates visit the City of Ann Arbor's Geddes Road project website at

WBWC Project - Border To Border Trail Completion In Ann Arbor

The WBWC is working with Ann Arbor officials to close the gaps in the Border-to-Border (B2B) Trail in central Ann Arbor. Both the city’s Parks Plan and Non-motorized Plan have long called for completing the trail links between Fuller Park & Riverside Park, Fuller Park and Mitchell Field, & Bandemer Park & Barton Park / Huron River Drive. Completing these links will eliminate annoying & dangerous road & railroad crossings & serve both B2B Trail users & people bicycling between Central & North Campus.


In the Fuller Street and Maiden Lane areas, four bridges were built some 30 years ago with underpasses to accommodate planned trail connections. For three decades, nothing has been done to advance these projects. These links will connect major parks, increase safety, and provide pleasant transportation and recreation in the river valley.


While little has been happening in Ann Arbor, the river trail system has now become a countywide and statewide priority as part of the B2B Trail. The B2B Trail is a 35-mile greenway under development across Washtenaw County along and near the Huron River. Significant sums have been spent to build the trail in other parts of the county. And the B2B Trail has now been designated as a portion of the statewide Iron Belle Trail system, which is envisioned to go from Ironwood in the Upper Peninsula to Belle Isle in Detroit.

These Ann Arbor B2B projects are WBWC priorities & have been approved by the WBWC Board of Directors. To view a short document that describes & illustrates these projects (with maps) and tells what needs to be done to move them forward, click here.

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