Washtenaw County Non-Motorized Organizations Endorse November Non-Motorized Funding Ballot Issue
On Tuesday, November 8, Washtenaw County pedestrians, bicyclists and the disabled will have the opportunity to vote on a four-year...

WBWC Again Opposes Changing Speed Limit Increase Policy As A Threat To Pedestrians, Bicyclists And T
October 16, 2016 To: Senate Transportation Committee sen-transportation@listserver.legislature.mi.gov From: Washtenaw Bicycling and...

WBWC November 2nd Annual Membership Meeting To Feature Statewide Cycling Advocate
At it’s annual membership meeting on Wednesday, November 2nd, the Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition (WBWC) will feature as...

September 6, 2016 Update - Bicycle Safety Legislative Update from The League Of Michigan Bicyclists
September 6, 2016 Update - Bicycle Safety Legislative Update from The League Of Michigan Bicyclists (and how you can help…no time for the...

Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition Board Responds to Kalamazoo Tragedy
We on the WBWC Board were shocked and sickened by the news in June that an impaired driver had plowed through a large group of...
WBWC Statement Regarding the 85th Percentile Method of Setting Speed Limits: Impact on Pedestrians.
To view the statement, please click here for a PDF download document
WBWC Winter 2015-16 Newsletter
Now online at http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=35cf6456eb62f910be690ca8f&id=526ffa2414&e=aaaaae5ed8
Washtenaw County Sidewalk Snow Removal Information and Regulations
The WBWC has compiled a list of all known sidewalk snow removal ordinances in Washtenaw County that can be viewed by clicking here. Also...
Pedestrian Safety & Access Task Force Report Ready For Action
Two years ago, the Ann Arbor City Council and Mayor Hieftje created the Pedestrian Safety and Access Task Force. The work began in April...
Finding Pedestrian and Bicyclist Crash Data In Washtenaw County
As discussed at a recent Washtenaw Bicycling & Walking Coalition Board meeting, the web site to find accident data for bike and...