Walking Routes Interactive Map
Link to map
Purposes of interactive map
● Show walking routes in the Ann Arbor area that connect two or more parks or
nature areas.
● Share knowledge of routes that might only be familiar to immediate neighbors.
● Allow users to suggest changes and improvements. Please send comments to
annarborwalkingroutes@gmail.com; constructive comments will be reviewed and
recorded, and the map will be regularly updated.
Walking guidelines
● Do not walk along railroad tracks or cross them except at legal crossings. (None
of the current routes require following or crossing railroads.)
● Use appropriate caution when crossing or walking along roads. (Not all streets
have sidewalks.)
● Do not use school property during school hours.
● Do not use church property during services.
Notes regarding trails
● For city, county, and university natural areas, their respective websites often have
more detailed trail maps, which this map links to.
● This map usually shows the shortest route in a natural area, but other options are
● Trails in nature areas are in general not suitable for people with mobility impairment.
● Trail conditions change with weather, fallen trees, etc.
Using the map
● How to use -- Instructions on how to use the map are in the legend; click on the
adjacent arrow to expand the instructions; scroll down and up in the box to see the
● Coding -- The linked route segments in each area have a distinct color and
constitute a “layer” that can be hidden or shown.
Map responsibilities
● The map has been created and will be maintained by Brooks Curtis, a long-time
Ann Arbor resident and active parks volunteer, and his colleagues.
● Walk Bike Washtenaw (formerly Washtenaw Bicycling and Walking Coalition) is
delighted to host the map on its website, but assumes no responsibility for the
accuracy or suitability of the information on the map and linked information.